Power. Passsion. Pain

Created in Partner with Raynetta Nah

A Tell of Expression and Emotion of Creatives in an Embracive Vision

Creatives around the world strive to put their all into the creative industry making pathways for themselves and the people around them to conquer and divide. Power, Passion, and Pain are terms used to express the emotion creatives face through the industry. The power it takes to present yourself in a new way and to make your own life a reality is unimaginable. It takes so much more than what you can accomplish because you already are the accomplishment. You put all your passion into what gives you that power and eventually the road can get rocky. When you stand alone in a world full of change and no one seems to see you change, it can bring on pain. But as creatives working together to continue expressing what we go through and how we carry it on the outside, embraces what those feelings are and so we present to you Power. Passion. Pain.

The visuals taken come from the talents of @jab.radical, a junior videographer at North Carolina A&T. He continues to show his aspirations through showcasing ideal directed scenes amongst different artist around the campus.

This shoot could not have been completed with the amazing photography captured by @butcallmewill . He is a senior creative and engineer student at A&T. The eye on this guy is like no other and he strives to produce high quality content visions through his own eye.

Power is the most suffocated type of emotion because of how it pertains to your indivduality. How you stand tall, how you come short, how you make a name for yourself, how you present that, and how you can comeback from whatever breaks you are all places of power. But the real thing is showcasing that who you are is powerful. Just by saying the words you have spoke that into your life and become power…

The models in seen are students from the North Carolina A&T. Listed in the scene is @anti.charless, @anuuu2x, @authentickriss, and @dorjhe. From all around the world, successful at many different things, they represent the arch of power in there story telling.

JaMya is an accounting student from Washington DC, she started modeling at the ripe age of 4 and continues to make her strides straight through the runway. For her “modeling is not just the opportunity to express your inner beauty, but to connect and learn from others in the industry.” She has used all the skills she pertains to mix with other styles of modeling to make her walk, look, and style unique. She encourages others in her path to take a leap of faith in the industry and never hold back.

The creative stylist behind this project goes by the name of Kamryn Meikle . Her designing skills presented the mood of how we captured each emotion. She strives to flourish in the world of style and wants people to know that “there is no ceiling or floor to how you can express yourself.” Kamryn’s style goes for sleek and timeless. She presents that through her storytelling ways of fashion. Starting only a few years ago, she has a made her way by launching her designing and styling brand @dastuidoseven.

Your uncontrollable desires, will, focus, and your happiest moments in life arise from the passion that is within you. So many creatives take theirs passions to the next level because they use their skills to build them. In this scene students @giogette, @xay.mani, @joshfromthe704, @deannalenai, @laurenelyse, and @j.danzo recreate passion in structure.

These creatives go by the names of Jordan and Lauren. Jordan is a professional theater student at A&T. He started acting in high school and since then has made a pathway to his career in many productions and web series. Confidence is the key to his passions and allowing himself to be vulnerable to the raw emotion and talent has been the forefront of his focus. His sense of style and broadway theatrics are pieces to his character and he continues to make strides to his career with them.

Lauren has been modeling for years and has made her way through the industry by extensive networking skills. That combined with her known status has connected her to oppurtunities making her a brand ambassador, content creator, and overall representative for her community.

When you are in the creative industry a point comes in time where your emotions won’t always align with your goals and values. So how do you express that. That pain that eats you up, leading to you not being able to tap into your creative talents. It happens, those mental blocks, so it is important that creatives shed light on the painful awakening it takes to become a creative because through it all, the pain is what brings your senses, making eventually all come together. The creatives playing their role in this scene are @elijahsarchive, @trapahollc, @rykki.png, @that.s.yaz, and @mincedance.

Eli, presented in the pictures above, is a model around A&T. His unique style has attracted attention from most and believes that “fashion is an extension of YOU and it shows how your mind works.” He is also a cofounder of the creative collective blknificient, which highlights talent in unseen black communities. He strives to have a lasting impact on the culture.

Together these creatives have captured the nostalgia of emotion and how to express it. Through their creative talents, businesses, and skills, we are able to show what it takes to develop power, passion, and pain.




Perfecting Your Craft